Monday, October 18, 2004

Reuters is pissing me off

Why the hell does Reuters bother to publish DAILY polls in the US presidential race? I mean, seriously, the race is so close in the popular vote that daily updates like "Bush takes a four point lead" or "Bush and Kerry are tied" are pointless. Today's headline: Reuters Poll: Bush, Kerry Tied in White House Race. A couple of days ago, they proclaimed a four point Bush lead.

Not only does this completely ignore the electoral college breakdown, these "leads" fall within the expected margin of error in the polls. In other words, Reuters is being pretty fucking stupid, and attempting to show daily swings of opinion which DO NOT EXIST. No one is switching from Bush to Kerry or vice versa at this point. NO ONE. If there are any undecided voters left, and that may be a very big IF, these polls do not reflect such indecision. Stop this crap, Reuters, its making me sick.

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